Monday, November 8, 2010

Team Faustino

Dear New Team,

Thank you, new teammates for making our meeting, albeit very brief and short, not awkward and quite interesting.
I'm sure each one of you have already experience being new in an old, established team. The anxiety of being the stranger, the friendless girl, the new face is a unique first-day-of-kindergarten kind of stress.

Thank you, new boss, for not making each of us stand up to say something about ourselves, what company we've been passed around from and to think of something interesting (or worse, to think of an adjective that starts with the first letter of our name!)

You guys made this transition as painless as possible.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the night-shift! Bwuahahaha! (evil laugh)

I sense this will be a fun Quarter 4 (FY2011)...

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