Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The view from this point is OK

I met JP in my P.E. class last 2001. He was my first crush in U.P.
I used a binder and a backpack until I graduated from college kahit hindi na uso.
My belt and shoes were always color-coded.
I joined rallies because my friends were there.
I ran around the acad oval in the afternoon and then walked to Central to go home.

I reminisced about all these while I ate my misua soup in Beach House. Years ago, my biggest problems ranged from getting the sched that allows me to be with my boyfriend the MOST, passing my AP class kay Sir Lencio Co, writing that research paper for Comm3 to attending a play by Dulaang UP.

It was really just all business, my trip to UP today. I went there to take care of Tita's PH.D. residency and to get my diploma.

College was not my funnest years. It was high school that was most special. I didn't have a lot of friends in UP- a small fistfull of girlfriends and that's it.

I thought it was sad that there were no tambayans scattered around anymore. The kubo of UGAT was no longer in that spot behind FC, Student Varsity's tambayan beside the main lib was already a museum, Red Cross youth's tambayan beside manang's store was gone.

The people who used to wave at me on my way to the new CAL building have passed on to the corporate world. The guards are all new faces (and asks for ID's now!)
Kuya Pabs have moved from AS101 to the Records Area near Katag.

There are things that did not change at all- twigs and miniature flowers still fell on my misua, their barbeque tasted the same. The manong in that store where bikers flocked was still the same manong when I entered UP 9 years ago. Oh, it was so nice to see a familiar face! (I'm sure (he had no idea why a lady smiled at him today for no reason..)

I miss the simplicity of college and the youthful carelessness it carries.

BUT I am happy about a few things- my car is now aircon (thank God! Begone rundown Ford Laser!), my wallet is not limited to my 300/day baon, I could tambay unlimited because I have no classes.. and the person holding my hand this time around is my charming, smart, loving boyfriend (who, years ago when we were in college, was with someone else and so was I).

Looking at the view from where I'm at now, I can see things didn't turn out so bad after all. In fact, it's pretty pleasant. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Team Faustino

Dear New Team,

Thank you, new teammates for making our meeting, albeit very brief and short, not awkward and quite interesting.
I'm sure each one of you have already experience being new in an old, established team. The anxiety of being the stranger, the friendless girl, the new face is a unique first-day-of-kindergarten kind of stress.

Thank you, new boss, for not making each of us stand up to say something about ourselves, what company we've been passed around from and to think of something interesting (or worse, to think of an adjective that starts with the first letter of our name!)

You guys made this transition as painless as possible.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the night-shift! Bwuahahaha! (evil laugh)

I sense this will be a fun Quarter 4 (FY2011)...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

new stuff

New team. New boss. New sched. New boyfriend. New place.